Here you can see how we tried to write down what our work is about in a compact way and things we thought would be interesting to touch on.

Next to that, is the planning of our hot glue pages.

We also divided the tasks for the upcoming week.
- Emily would do video archiving and make put together the reflection/ process video.
- Gaby would also do video archiving and work on the intervention video out of our footage.
- Tesra would make a start on the hotglue and video.
- Mimosa would do sound and text archiving and manage the hotglue.
(22nd of April)
In theory class, we had time to clarify the prompts and essay and talk about the mandatory texts because that was all still a bit unclear fr most of the group.
Besides that, all groups got a bit of time to go a bit more in-depth on our projects.
Just before this class we had a group meeting and we came up with the topic 'emotional upbringing', so in theory class, we had the time to further explore this topic.
On the left, you can see the notes from class.

the interesting part of emotional upbringing is that this can affect how you position yourself in life and how you treat, accept or understand others. How your parents or caregivers teach you how to handle your emotions and the way they act around you teaches you how much emotions are acceptable to show to others.
This can differentiate a lot and we feel it doesn't play a big enough role in parenting, therefore we wanted to make an archive about personal stories on this topic and bring more attention to it. (20th of April )

Above are the four moods that are often worked wth in groupwork at schools. There is this practice program that schools can participate in where children practice with their emotions and how they act. This practice is focussed on bullying but we found it very inspiring.
On this row, left of this block, you see once again the notes from our previous group meeting. We were still circling around the idea of togetherness, how to create a feeling of connection as an intervention, without having to get to know each other by conversation.

Other topics that we thought of were:
- lass in class
- love stories
- shame
- crying

Below you see two videos from the class we had where we had some nice exercises to position our project and zoom out to get a deeper understanding of our goals.
we also stayed a bit longer to organize our research and how to visualise our hot glue page.

(21st of April)
On the left, you can see the notes from the second class and workshop.
we talked about how we want ourselves, our peers, and tutors to act.
On the right, you can read our first topic ideas for this term. We had a lot of good ideas but we struggle with choosing a specific topic because none of the ideas were checking all of our boxes.

We were set on the umbrella term 'class', which made it specifically hard to come to a decision. we were inspired by how people think they are divided by all sorts of boxes that are in fact all connected.
For example, the video's from 'Momondo' on youtube where our people get their DNA tested and find out that they are family. or that a guy who hated a certain race got back he was exactly that!

On the row below, on the left, is a sketch for the first intervention idea we had. the intervention went through a lot of phases but once again, because we couldn't get past the specification of the topic we were stuck in the process.

then the two pages besides the sketch are brain dump, just loose ideas that we put on paper. (8th of April)
From left to right.
Two written pages are the notes made on the first day of class (5th of April).

The video footage is our first group meeting where we wanted to explore our topic. (12th of April)
On the left and right the notes that we made for new ideas, we came up with.
but they were in our eyes all missing something, I think we didn't really connect with the topics and that was also noticed by our tutors.
In the middle, is a video from our feedback session.

We still had to put our focus on one specific thing and time was running out. (19th of April)
tFor this website, we thought it would be helpful to archive our meetings so that we can look back at what we've done and be able to share the process.
To do so, we have made notes and drawings in our meetings and classes and made pictures and videos while working.

On this page, you will find all the important documented work that we have done for this project.
The video in the top left corner is again a meeting we had to work together in person. We felt that this was the best way to get stuff done. (13th of April)

the article besides that video had been a big inspiration for the direction of our work. And next to that is a response we god to the question if our peers could write something about themselves.
We did so to see what people would tell about themselves to make connections between people that they wouldn't think of in the first place but we, unfortunately, did not get enough to work with.

So we had to think of something else and so, next to this green block, you can see some idea sketches of how to maybe create a visual representation of the invisible interconnection between people.
(14th of April)